Jun 28, 2012

Isla San Francisco - Pink Salt and Agates

Climb mountains not so the world can see you,
But so you can see the world.

This is what 7.5 months in the wind and sun does to you!
Time to replace the boat's flag
A two night stop at Isla San Francisco before heading back to the mainland of Baja California Sur starting with San Evaristo. The water is more translucent the more we go north. We can now see 14-18 feet deep through the turquoise beams of the water.

We are entertained by several flying rays doing acrobatics around the bay. They certainly seem to be enjoying themselves. Snake and eel skeletons are found on the beach but we have yet to see live ones. On a small portion of the beach across the island from where we are anchored we find agates. In the middle section between the two beaches are what looked like now unused salt ponds. The salt is rather pink – not sure where the color comes from but it is quite striking against the pure white of the sand surrounding the area.
In the SW bay of San Francisco Island
One of the several rays doing acrobatics in the bay
Where desert meets water and salt
Speaking of salt - here's one of the ponds
Pink salt anyone?
'Altar' put together by Panterra,
possibly from the folks in the small fishing hut you see in the background
Beach where we found agates

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