Oct 16, 2013

Year End Two (well almost)…

We live in a wonderful world that is 
Full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures we can have 
If only we seek them with our eyes open.
Jawaharial Nehru

Expenses, sailing, and blog Statistics

Déjàlà is Going Postal, No, Hmm, We Mean Musical

If you can't live longer,
Live deeper.
Italian Proverb

Sailing away from Bahia LA to Animas Slot - Little wind, a motoring passerby took this photo
For the majority of our time cruising, we have followed or, if you prefer, have been taken care of by the rhythms of nature with their corresponding rhythms of winds and seas.  For type A’s like so many of us, a transition took place.  Transitioning to following rhythms rather than fight, harness or change them.  Transitioning to learn, read, and anticipate them, although not always successfully, for best comfort and practicality.  

Oct 3, 2013

Bahia Sergento, Safe Haven from Stormy Weather

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and 
Avoid the people, you might better stay at home. 
James Michener 

Small sandbar between Bay and Sea, water and sky
Ten o’clock on this glorious morning and we are savoring homemade chocolate and almond biscottis with juicy oranges and strong Mexican coffee after two miles of kayaking and two miles of walking the beach and exploring the sand dunes of our new anchorage of Bahia Sergento (Sergeant Bay).  We are back on the mainland side of the Sea of Cortez, on our way up to Puerto Peñasco, our final destination on our first two year exploration and sailing in Mexico.